Edward G. Jacoubs, MSW
Drug Endangered Children, Trauma Informed Responses
Edward Jacoubs recently retired from the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office after 22 years as the Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects. He was involved in the development of what is now referred to as Handle with Care and the promotion of “Helping Traumatized Children Learn” in schools. Childhood trauma, or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), can have lasting, negative effects on health, well-being, and opportunity. Trauma-informed environments for children with ACEs is but one, albeit important, strategy in the overall prevention framework. Without trauma-informed care, the traditional prevention framework often misses the students most at-risk for addiction, those with ACEs.
Ed is a national presenter and instructor for Community Services Solutions (CSS), a Division of Homeland Security Solutions, Inc (HSSI) and its benchmark program of services, Operation 2 Save Lives (O2SL) and QRT National. Edward, who has a Master of Social Work (MSW), is recently retired from the Plymouth County (Massachusetts) District Attorney Office as the Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects, having been in this position since 1998. O2SL and QRT National offer services, training, and technical assistance to create collaborative, coordinated, data-driven solutions for community-based problems.
Prior to working at the District Attorney’s Office, Edward was a Probation Officer for 13 years at the Brockton District Court, supervising juvenile offenders and adults suffering from mental health disorders. He also served as the Director of a youth detention center. He has 42 years of experience in the juvenile justice and forensic mental health field. He completed his clinical training at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, with his concentration on addictions and adolescent behavioral health. He serves on the faculty at Bridgewater State University, Curry College, and Stonehill College, which are all located in Massachusetts.
Edward is a nationally recognized subject matter expert, presenter, and speaker in many juvenile justice areas, including supporting drug endangered children, community responses to children affected by the opioid epidemic, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), trauma-informed community responses, and responses serving drug endangered children. Edward has presented to diverse audiences including the MA Bar Association, National Crime Prevention Conference, US Attorney of West Virginia’s Crime Against Children Task Force, West Virginia Department of Education, John Jay College (NY) for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Drug Endangered Children Conference, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, National RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, ACES Conference, Office of Victims of Crime, and Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA) Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP).
Ed is a national presenter and instructor for Community Services Solutions (CSS), a Division of Homeland Security Solutions, Inc (HSSI) and its benchmark program of services, Operation 2 Save Lives (O2SL) and QRT National. Edward, who has a Master of Social Work (MSW), is recently retired from the Plymouth County (Massachusetts) District Attorney Office as the Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects, having been in this position since 1998. O2SL and QRT National offer services, training, and technical assistance to create collaborative, coordinated, data-driven solutions for community-based problems.
Ed has been training and mentoring with O2SL and QRT National since early 2021. In the fall of 2021, Ed and Director of Operations Daniel Meloy provided first responders from several West Virginia counties with training on the impacts of trauma in their service to their communities. As part of this training, Ed shared his expertise on the impact of vicarious trauma on first responders. In late 2021, Ed and Chief Operating Officer Scott Allen initiated training and mentoring with a Massachusetts community’s police and school districts, working with them to enhance their collaborative efforts to address the impacts of trauma on children within their community.Prior to working at the District Attorney’s Office, Edward was a Probation Officer for 13 years at the Brockton District Court, supervising juvenile offenders and adults suffering from mental health disorders. He also served as the Director of a youth detention center. He has 42 years of experience in the juvenile justice and forensic mental health field. He completed his clinical training at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, with his concentration on addictions and adolescent behavioral health. He serves on the faculty at Bridgewater State University, Curry College, and Stonehill College, which are all located in Massachusetts.
Edward is a nationally recognized subject matter expert, presenter, and speaker in many juvenile justice areas, including supporting drug endangered children, community responses to children affected by the opioid epidemic, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), trauma-informed community responses, and responses serving drug endangered children. Edward has presented to diverse audiences including the MA Bar Association, National Crime Prevention Conference, US Attorney of West Virginia’s Crime Against Children Task Force, West Virginia Department of Education, John Jay College (NY) for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Drug Endangered Children Conference, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, National RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, ACES Conference, Office of Victims of Crime, and Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA) Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP).
Notable Accomplishments
Edward has been a presenter, speaker, and recognized by:- 2nd Annual SAM Award, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), To the Moon and Back, “For the Advocating the Care and Understanding of Children Born Substance Exposed”, September 2019
- STARS: Mentor of the Year Award, Excellence in Education, Enrichment and Family Support, Boston, May 2016M
- Awarded the Community Service Champion of the Year, by Community Services of Greater Brockton, June 2014
- Key Note Speaker, Annual Mentor of the Year Recruitment Rally, Brockton’s Promise Coalition, January 2012
- Greater Brockton Youth Resource Services, Inc. “Stepping Up for Youth Men’s Award Brunch”, “Man of the Year”, November 2010
- Louis Angelo Community Service Award, City of Brockton School Committee, June 2008
- Awarded Social Worker of the Year by the Phi Alpha Honor Society at Bridgewater State University March 2008
- Recipient of 2004 Brockton Area Multi-Service Inc. “Community Leader of the Year” February 2004
- Recipient of the 2003 Roland Kinlock Award, Person of the Year, awarded by the Massachusetts Juvenile Police Officers Association (MJPOA) November 2003
- Recipient of 1996 Community Service Award for the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, Person of the Year Award
- “United Voices” Teen Counsel