Operation 2 Save Lives & QRT National

O2SL and QRT National’s team of Lesson Learned Experts (LLE) will provide executive briefings, mentorship to help community leaders gain an understanding of Pre-Arrest Diversion, Deflection, and community collaborations that address social health issues specific to their needs. Our team recognized executives in public safety, public health, and community leaders who have created and implemented national mentoring programs in the field.

Our Mission

O2SL and QRT National, a collaboration of public safety, public health, and community leaders, helps to create and support collaborative, community-shared responses for municipalities, counties and states in assisting vulnerable populations impacted directly and indirectly by substance use, mental health disorders, and behavioral health issues.

Leveraging Law Enforcement’s Front Row Seat to today’s Polysubstance Use, Opioid Crisis.

EMS & Public Safety

Our Services

O2SL and QRT National are engaged in Pre-Arrest Diversion, Deflection, and proactive community engagement work in many states and communities throughout the country. Our O2SL and QRT National professional’s experience in deflection and pre-arrest diversion is from law enforcement, fire/EMS, public health, social work, clinical treatment, peer recovery support, and persons with lived experience. Our team is continuously educating and learning from the field as to how better to serve our partners, sites, and teams. When our team members learn new information, we commit to sharing the information through discussion, training, and services described above that will positively impact our partner communities.


Deflection Academy Training & Trauma Informed Response Training

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Deflection Mentoring and Consulting

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PMAT – Project Management Adherence Tool

PMAT is a survey tool that helps us learn about the work that public safety, public health

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Other Services

HR Support
Grant Writing

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Upcoming Events

State Model Law to Expand Programs that Deflect People with Addiction to Care

The Law Enforcement and Other First Responder Deflection (Act), drafted in collaboration with the Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative (PTACC), encourages the use and establishment of deflection programs on the state level.

Model Law Enforcement and Other First Responder Deflection Act

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) announced the release of the Model Law Enforcement and Other First Responders Deflection Act, a resource for states that encourages the development and use of deflection programs across the country.

Scott Allen
Scott C. Allen

“When experienced public safety, law enforcement, social work, peer recovery, public health, and community leaders come together, each play a significant and specialized role in addressing the opioid, polysubstance, and behavioral health crises.”

Our Partners

  • Handle With Care
  • The Global Network for Community Safety
  • Cordata Community Response
  • Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative
  • Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or if you'd like to attend/host a training session.

Contact Us

O2SL and QRT National
A program of Cordata Healthcare Innovations, Inc.

Scott C. Allen
8170 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45242

(877) 759-7215

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

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